Thursday, January 28, 2016

Stuff and Things

Stuff, Things, etc.

    I have not sat down to write a blog post since July last year.  This makes me a horrible blogger.  My husband told me I need to blog more, he must have been reading my mind because I was definitely thinking the same thing.  So I figured why not link up with Kristin for Stuff and Things since I have been doing a lot of stuff and things since July.  

-A lot has happened since July.  I no longer have a fiance but now a husband.  We got married in October right after the 100 year flood here in the South and it really was perfect.  

- We hosted our first Christmas as a married couple at our house and it was awesome.  It was great to be surrounded by not only family but some of our best friends for the day.  We did all the cooking and it was amazing! 

-We have had a lot of transportation issues the past couple of months.  We are finally out of that and it feels like a weight has been lifted.  

-I celebrated my big 3-0 about a week ago with a bonfire and it was a lot of fun.  I am definitely not 21 anymore, as told by my major hangover the next morning.  

-I have had a pretty productive week.  I feel like I have not stopped this week. Thank goodness it's almost Friday.  

-I made Pad Thai for the first time yesterday.  It was actually really good.  It wasn't as authentic as I wanted but it was still yummy and pretty simple to make.  


Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday Monday

Mingle 240

Happy Monday Y'all!! I'm actually glad to see this Monday because that means in 6 days we get to celebrate 4th of July!! Everyone has their favorite holidays, 4th of July and Christmas have to be my absolute favorite!! I am very fortunate to work for a restaurant that actually closes on the 4th.  This normally means that it gives us all a chance to get together and hang out outside of work.  4th of July starts by waking up really early to pack the car and head to the beach! We normally spend all day at the beach.  The 4th is also one of our really good friends birthdays so we celebrate with him all day then try to make it to the each for fireworks.  I'm so excited for this 4th of July that I have exhausted my fiance on all the plans. 

If you saw last Thursday we were in the works of buying a new car!! Well we got it!!! She's so beautiful!! 

I'm getting use to driving a 6 speed and it's actually pretty fun!! 

Hope y'all have a good week!!! 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Stuff and Things 6/25

-I can officially take out a car battery and replace it with a new one. Just kidding there was no new one that I just spent 30 mins in the 95 degree heat at 10 am trying to fix it just so I can take the trash out! Oh least I learned something, I guess.   

-We are buying a new car tomorrow for the reason above. Fingers crossed everything works out and all negotiations go through.  If so I will be driving a cute little 6 speed red Jeep Wrangler.  I have never driven a stick as a daily driver before so yet again....another life lesson learned. 

-I should have just named this post life lessons.  There's still time to change that I guess.   

-4th of July is coming up which means it's time for our annual 4th of July party! We are lucky enough to work for a restaurant that closes on the 4th.  Everyone at work normally meets on the beach for an all day get together.  It's always a fun time.  I get antsy about now trying to plan everything.  It gets on the fiance's nerves.   I can't help it I'm a planner!! I can't wait for this 4th though!! I think it will be the best one yet!! 

-I can't believe it's almost July!! This summer is already going by really fast.  

Saturday, June 20, 2015


I'm sure everyone in the country has heard about the tragedy that occurred in Charleston over the past couple of days. I can't describe my feelings about how this tragedy makes me feel.  Charleston was once my home...I still find my heart yearning for Charleston!! 

I moved to Charleston in 2007! I remember being so excited but so scared at the same time.  I was 22 at the time and I was about to move to a city that I had been dreaming about moving too ever sense I could remember!!! For the first couple of months it was a struggle, but soon life feel into place, friends were made and Charleston became home!! I learned a lot about myself in those 2 years that I lived in there.  I even met my fiance! Charleston was a place for me to grow and gave me the time to really learn who I was.  

With all that being said! My heart breaks for Charleston but then it could not be more proud of the city that I called home for 2 years.  I'm so proud that everyone has been able to come together and support each other! That's what Charleston is all about! People that live in Charleston really love their city!! They take care of it, they support it, and we are a little obsessed with it! 

I will continue to pray for and keep Charleston in my thoughts.  That city will always have a spot in my heart.  I know Charleston will overcome this tragedy and will come back stronger than ever!!! 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Another Thursday Post!

I seem to only want to blog on a Thursday! I'm not sure why that is? But hey, at least I'm blogging right?

-I feel like I have been on an extended weekend since Friday.  My mom came down for the weekend to help get some wedding stuff done so we spent all day Saturday doing that and I was able to have my first dress fitting! I'm so in love with my dress!! I can not wait for Rick to see it!

-We have been childless for about 4 days now so we have been taking full advantage of alone time and date nights!! We went out to dinner at a local Italian restaurant last night and it was fabulous.

-We added a few more things to our porch and I think it turned out awesome!! I love the pops of color and I also love that I paid for none of the stuff on the porch.  The yellow plant stand was an aquarium stand that I just painted yellow and Rick built a top for it out of pallet wood.  The shelf on the wall was also made out of pallet wood.  The table and chairs were given to us because people didn't want it. The pottery that some of the plants are in we threw ourselves on the potters wheel.  To say I'm proud would be an understatement!!

-We are taking Jack to Monster Jam tomorrow.  This should be interesting!!! I'm sure there will be some good people watching! 

Have a good rest of the week everyone!! 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Stuff and Things!!

-My favorite thing about summer has got to be the fresh watermelon! I have been eating so much watermelon lately...I might just turn into a watermelon.  Well at least that's what my grandmother would tell me! 

-I walked my dog and drank wine yesterday afternoon...I call that some multitasking.  Luckily I was walking Maxwell and he's lazy so we had a little nice evening stroll and I don't have to worry about him pulling me around like Bella! 

-Today is Jack's first half day of school.  Tomorrow is his last day! I can't believe he has finished 2nd grade and will be a 3rd grader next year! He's growing way too fast!!

-I can totally relate to this...

Happy Thursday Everyone!! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Rainy Wednesday!!

Happy Hump Day, Wine Wednesday, and in these neck of the woods, Rainy Wednesday!  I'm actually glad to see the rain today! We haven't had any in a while and my poor plants were begging for it.  

We had a pretty laid back weekend, and I've had a pretty easy week! I am trying to get a lot of wedding stuff accomplished for this weekend.  My mom is coming and we are going to go visit the venue to finalize some things and I also get to go have my first dress fitting!! 

Speaking of wedding things!! I can not believe that we are about 3 1/2 months away from getting married!! With that being said!! I'm just freaking out a tad!! Just a smidgen! Every time I look at the timeline of what should be done by said month, I start stressing a little. Then I try to do something that makes me feel like I have accomplished something! Maybe I'm just losing my mind! 

I'm trying to catch up on OITNB Season 2 in order to get pumped for the new season that is coming on June 12! If you haven't watched it you are definitely missing out! It's pretty vulgar but it is so funny!!  

Orange is the New Black

Well y'all have a happy rest of the week!! Back to lazy rainy Wednesday!!