I have not sat down to write a blog post since July last year. This makes me a horrible blogger. My husband told me I need to blog more, he must have been reading my mind because I was definitely thinking the same thing. So I figured why not link up with Kristin for Stuff and Things since I have been doing a lot of stuff and things since July.
-A lot has happened since July. I no longer have a fiance but now a husband. We got married in October right after the 100 year flood here in the South and it really was perfect.
- We hosted our first Christmas as a married couple at our house and it was awesome. It was great to be surrounded by not only family but some of our best friends for the day. We did all the cooking and it was amazing!
-We have had a lot of transportation issues the past couple of months. We are finally out of that and it feels like a weight has been lifted.
-I celebrated my big 3-0 about a week ago with a bonfire and it was a lot of fun. I am definitely not 21 anymore, as told by my major hangover the next morning.
-I have had a pretty productive week. I feel like I have not stopped this week. Thank goodness it's almost Friday.
-I made Pad Thai for the first time yesterday. It was actually really good. It wasn't as authentic as I wanted but it was still yummy and pretty simple to make.